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Literacy Fun-da-men-tools: Helping you prepare your child for school
Introduction to Literacy Fun-da-men-tools. Please watch this video first. (2:47)
Session 1: Size
Session 1: All Materials to Print (7 PDF sheets)
Session 1: Introduction (0:40)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (letter recognition) (2:03)
Activity 2: Syllables (meet and greet) (1:01)
Activity 3: Letter Formation & Drawing (self portrait & letters) (3:16)
Activity 4: Auditory Discrimination (same & different sounds) (1:15)
Activity 5: Follow Instructions (auditory directions) (1:12)
Activity 6: Rhyme (rhyming picture pairs) (1:09)
Activity 7: Daily Story (piglet and mama) (0:29)
Extra Fun: Letters of Your Name (0:11)
Session 2: Animals
Session 2: All Materials to Print (6 PDF sheets)
Session 2: Introduction (0:30)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) (3:37)
Activity 2: Rhyme (family meet and greet) (1:04)
Activity 3: Auditory Discrimination (same and different words) (1:12)
Activity 4: Letter Formation (bear ears and bow tie) (1:29)
Activity 5: Syllables (animal puppets) (1:23)
Activity 6: Follow Instructions (puppet place swap) (1:07)
Activity 7: Daily Story (piglet and papa) (0:38)
Extra Fun: Pizza Toppings (0:55)
Session 3: Numbers
Session 3: All Materials to Print (11 PDF sheets)
Session 3: Introduction (0:25)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (2:47)
Activity 2: First Sound Identification (I spy) (1:56)
Activity 3: Rhyme (one two buckle my shoe) (1:15)
Activity 4: Letter Formation (clock drawing o for octopus) (2:11)
Activity 5: Syllables (syllable stomp) (1:24)
Activity 6: Follow Instructions (crazy colouring) (0:54)
Activity 7: Daily Story (the hungry caterpillar) (0:21)
Extra Fun: Animal Ears (0:38)
Session 4: Common Objects
Session 4: All Materials to Print (8 PDF sheets)
Session 4: Introduction (0:24)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (2:35)
Activity 2: First Sound Identification (picture pick) (1:25)
Activity 3: Syllables (picture clap and stomp) (1:00)
Activity 4: Letter Formation (clock drawing a) (1:18)
Activity 5: Rhyme (circle swap) (1:10)
Activity 6: Follow Instructions (colouring rhymes) (1:02)
Activity 7: Daily Story (peepo) (0:23)
Extra Fun: A For Apple (0:40)
Session 5: Zoo Animals
Session 5: All Materials to Print (8 PDF sheets)
Session 5: Introduction (0:26)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (2:30)
Activity 2: Syllables (heads and tails) (1:29)
Activity 3: First Sound Identification (animal alliteration) (1:30)
Activity 4: Letter Formation (clock drawing g, d, s) (1:59)
Activity 5: Auditory Discrimination (bingo for r and w sounds) (1:27)
Activity 6: Follow Instructions (land sea sky) (1:09)
Activity 7: Daily Story (dear zoo) (0:29)
Extra Fun: Watch-face Letters g, d, s (1:17)
Session 6: Long and Short
Session 6: All Materials to Print (10 PDF sheets)
Session 6: Introduction (0:27)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (3:20)
Activity 2: Auditory Discrimination (button up your coat) (2:04)
Activity 3: Follow Instructions (pencil line up) (0:40)
Activity 4: Letter Formation (tower and house l, i, b line letters) (2:10)
Activity 5: First Sound Identification (what's gone l, i, b words) (1:32)
Activity 6: Rhyme (make an apple tree) (2:17)
Activity 7: Daily Story (the long and short of it) (0:24)
Extra Fun: Line Letters l, i, b (1:05)
Session 7: Food
Session 7: All Materials to Print (6 PDF sheets)
Session 7: Introduction (0:22)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (1:47)
Activity 2: First Sound Identification (snakes and ladders food) (1:27)
Activity 3: Letter Formation (writing vowels u and e) (1:44)
Activity 4: Syllables (menu mix up) (1:04)
Activity 5: Follow Instructions (simon says) (1:07)
Activity 6: Rhyme (what's gone) (1:01)
Activity 7: Daily Story (wombat stew) (0:37)
Extra Fun: Syllable Dots (0:34)
Session 8: Fantasy People
Session 8: All Materials to Print (8 PDF sheets)
Session 8: Introduction (0:27)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (2:00)
Activity 2: First Sound Identification (king and queen) (1:29)
Activity 3: Letter Formation (writing q, k, j) (2:26)
Activity 4: Rhyme (what's gone fantasy rhyme?) (1:12)
Activity 5: Auditory Discrimination (first sound bingo) (1:31)
Activity 6: Follow Instructions (spot the difference dress up) (1:11)
Activity 7: Daily Story (room on the broom) (0:26)
Extra Fun: Royal Letters (1:33)
Session 9: Body Parts
Session 9: All Materials to Print (8 PDF sheets)
Session 9: Introduction (0:27)
Activity 1: Sound Cards (learning letters) Please watch this video with your child. (1:19)
Activity 2: Auditory Discrimination (word game th and f) (1:44)
Activity 3: First Sound Identification (blending body parts) (1:22)
Activity 4: Letter Formation (the royal jewels) (1:43)
Activity 5: Sound Cards (review all sound cards) (7:41)
Activity 6: Follow Instructions (four corners) (1:17)
Activity 7: Daily Story (parts) (0:23)
Extra Fun: Sound Card Bingo (1:10)
Bonus Material
All Sound Cards and Hand Cues. Please watch this video with your child. (3:18)
Letter Formation for 13 Letters. Please watch this video with your child. (4:23)
Hints and Tips
Glossary of Terms
Extra Supplies Required
Play, Practice and Props
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Activity 4: Rhyme (what's gone fantasy rhyme?)
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